ME! ...and My Friend, Janice. Well, I don't think she has rug-burned knees, but I KNOW she is SORE!
When I talked to her this morning, she was at Home Depot with Dan buying a new white ceiling fan, new white outlets and light switches, and new floor lamps. She asked me, "What did you do to me?"
What did I do to you ? I thought I was your painting slave! Just Kidding! You can't enslave the willing....LOL!
But - just try explaining this to the husband - Gone for over 12 hours and come home aching and with "red" knees. Doesn't look or sound too good!!! Phillip and I got a good laugh though!!!

We painted the first melon coat. Cut in the ceiling. Cut in the floor. Cut in the sockets. Cut in the windows.
Dan went to the lumber store and got the materials for Janice's work table that will go in the center of the room. Nice, bright white. 4' x 6' with a small desk on one side, and an open shelving case on the other. Thanks, Dan!
Painted another coat to cover the chiffon bleed-through. Stopped for lunch on the back patio with the birds. Janice's Famous Salsa Burgers, chips, and watermelon - YUM!

Painted a third coat of melon. Geez Wheez, Dan had to go get another gallon mid-project! Thanks, Dan!
Chalked the Cricut-station wall with wavy stripes. Used a broken paint stir stick and a piece of chalk to try and keep the melon stripes somewhat the same width. Painted the darker green random stripes.
Ate dinner! Dan got take-out! Yummy! Thanks, Dan!
Then we tried to paint pink flowers on the wall, over the stripes. NO such luck. The pink was TOO transparent. Janice said she'd look for some pink cut-outs or something. Maybe we'll stencil the flowers another day.
It's getting late. I should be heading home.
So we dug through a bunch of flowers. Found some cute ones to layer. What to put in the middle? Oh yeah, Janice is the collector of all buttons. So she dumped them out on the carpet and we began the hunt. Button, button, button....Found the perfect matching white pearlized buttons.
Scoop up the buttons. Button, button, button....NEEDLE!
Me: "Hey, Janice, be careful there's a needle on the floor".
Janice: raises her hand with another NEEDLE sticking out the side of her hand! OUCH!
One more needle on the floor and then needles no more!
So I set the stacked flowers and buttons aside for another day.
Gotta get home.
Then we got sidetracked by the 6" pink cardstock letters and brackets. Hey, we could spell {CREATE} and put them above the Cricut-station. Yeah, that would be cute.

Now, once the Cricut-station desk goes against the wall and the white shelves (donated by Kristin) are in place, then Janice will be able to accessorize with more pink to break up the stripes a little. So much FUN!!!!
I should be getting home. It's almost 9 already. It was just 12, then 4, then 7. Where did the time go?
Hey, let's put up the wall words over the big windows.
Then we had to hang up the curtains so we could see what they'd look like against the melon wall with the words above.
Well, we attemped to hang up the curtains...We were tired and I think we must have been a little high on the paint fumes....I remember Dan mentioning the fumes at some point during the day....hmmmm? We strung the long ones first. Open lace + sharp rod ends = lots of snagging. This could take FOREVER! Bright IDEA! Wrap the end with painters tape. Where is the painters tape? One roll opened already. Can't find it. Open the new roll.
Works like a charm! String on the FOUR panels. Tape the next rod end. String on the FOUR valance panels. Hang. Oh, wait a second. OH NO! We strung them on the WRONG rods! The narrow depth rod is for the long panels and the deeper depth rod is for the valance panels. DUH! (Ok. Ok. My excuse is....I don't have curtains in my house!)
Take off the long panels. Janice uses the short-cut of pushing the valance panels all the way to one end and inserting it into the correct rod. Then push them across and insert the other correct rod back. Confused yet? Must be the paint fumes!

Then Janice decided to try the cute white cabinet underneath. Perfect FIT!
A few in-progress photos. It's after 10!!! I'm going home!!!
Oh, and we found the missing painter's tape. It was so cleverly hanging on the door knob of one of the white closet doors! Wow! Were we out of it!!!
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