July proves to be a very celebratory month for our family and AMERICA!
July 4th. Kyle's birthday. A.J.'s birthday. Our wedding anniversary. One of my sisters wedding anniversary. Busy, busy, busy.
And, yet, relaxing too! By the time July rolls around, we are in the full swing of Summer around these parts. The weather heats up. The ice maker runs non-stop. The air coolers get switched on. Watermelon. Popsicles. BBQ. Cold salads - potato and macaroni. Shakes. Ice Cream. River Fun. Camping.
Oh, you just gotta love all the joys of Summer. When I found this book, I just fell in love with the title - Canoe Boys and Campfires. Seemed like a good fit for our house - near the river and full of boys! A fun, vintage, summer read.
I also love RED, WHITE and BLUE! Mostly the vintage stuff. But mostly, I love our FLAG. Something about it just makes me well-up every single time it passes by in a parade or is being saluted in public. Sometimes that raw emotion surprises me. So, if you get that way too, I suggest you wear your sunglasses - like I do!
So, to all my friends and known visitors - in California, up in Washington, back in Kentucky, here in Oregon - and to all those other anonymous "visitors" in blogland - have a safe, happy, and stress-free weekend celebration! Enjoy the "goodies", act like a kid, and let out an oooohhh and an aaaahhhhh at the fireworks!
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