Thursday, March 29, 2012

Light Through Yonder Window Breaks....

Tuesday night, Ty's darling girlfriend, Jania, assisted me in hanging the two old windows in the opening between the two retail areas in the future home of the Rusty Monkey...yes, the windows are still filthy...but, I just was too excited to get them hung up!!!! I'm sure you

As they are just hanging in the opening, I'm waiting for the lightning bolt to hit with the perfect fasteners at the bottom...dominoes, square-head nails, blocks...You'll know as soon as I know...but there needs to be something there to keep them from swinging freely. In my house, they could just hang, but in a "public" place, I'd feel more comfortable with them not.

Janice and I will be off on a field trip on Saturday to pick up MORE of these cute windows.... Yay! I can see window workshops in our future....
Even though I'm super, duper excited about the whole process, it is a process and with all the other LIFE that is going on right now, it will be a couple more months of tinkering on the space...I can't complain, because it's a fun process and I have NO problem what-so-ever playing in an unfinished space....

In the meantime, I'll just keep writing down ideas in my journal and WILL be worth every moment of planning and dreaming...


Here's my grandmother's hutch against the dictionary page/starch papered wall...I'm liking it, but I think it needs a little updating in the handle, knob and hinge department...the 1990's knobs are a bit on the boring side...and the brass hinges are just, well, dated.

Here's a peek at the hutch through the dirty windows...

It's SO cute in there....and every. little. bit. of setting up and planning is making me giddy with excitement....


Hopemore Studio said...

I hope this isn't too awful to suggest, but have you considered using the chalk paint on the hutch?

Love the windows, I'm sure the solution to your dilemma is hiding in a pile somewhere ;-P


Barbara Jean said...

awesome piece girl!!! I'm getting excited with you!


PS still planning on trip down on 23rd??
just checking.

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