Saturday, October 31, 2009

...haven't left yet.....

Woke up to a classic Southern Oregon Fall morning. Fifty degrees. Overcast. Drizzly. Fog rolling in over the river. Trees wet with color.

What's a girl to do?

Make one of these.

While the sweet husband is in the kitchen with these..... we ONLY buy E.B. eggs now. Must have something to do with the E and the B???? (for new readers, see my day job link below - it'll make sense then!) I'd really like farm-fresh eggs, but not quite ready for hens yet!!!!

and a little of this......

and this......

a few of these.....

a couple of these.....

What a husband, wouldn't you say?

I love me some FALL.......

Now I gotta get off the couch and change over that dreaded laundry and get to packing.....

Happy Halloween!!!!


Tommy said...

He is always such a sweetheart...breakfast looks so yummy ,all I had for breakfast was a hot dog from Target...ick!!...Ummm,also,Stumpy the chicken is my new best friend!Thanks,it made me giggle!

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh I have been craving waffles! Darn! Now I really really want one. I may have to cave in and have them for breakfast tomorrow.

You sure do have a sweetheart!


Tina Schiefer said...

The waffle-iron was hubby's Christmas gift from our oldest son, Ty, a couple years back.

This was the first time using it.

I always crave pancakes - at night! Usually around 11 pm!!!

He's more of a waffle-kind-of-guy, but makes me pancakes too!

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