Saturday, November 17, 2007

Should've Had A V-8

I should've, but I didn't! Pictured here is tonight's dinner. It was a very long week and an even longer day at Disneyland today. I know, I know - call the WHAAAAMMMMbulance. Anyhow, these were the healthiest options in the hotel vending machine. One five dollar bill, change to spare, and it fills the belly till morning - Pop Tarts, Trail Mix, Gardettos. Then "frosted" donuts for dessert. Gross? Maybe, but it's late, I'm tired, and I'm not up to going out.

So, I guess the diet starts tomorrow. No, that won't work. I'll be on the road home all day. I can't start then. I'll start it on Monday. No, wait. That won't work either. This week is Thanksgiving. So after Thanksgiving would be best. How could I possibly diet through Thanksgiving? But then the Christmas "season" starts. Parties, lots of chocolates and dessert gifts. Looks like it'll have to wait till after New Years, cause our New Year's Eve plans with Kris and Jeff always includes a yummy Italian dinner. Then there's the chocolate dessert at the theatre. So it will have to be after New Years. Yeah. It'll be my New Year's resolution. Yeah, that'll be really, really good. I'll start on Jan 1, 2008. Yeah, RIGHT!!! Here's to all the women in the world who still eat!!! Even the ocassional fill-the-belly "meal-substitute".

Bon Appetit

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