A big Hi and Hello from Grants Pass. I know. I haven't posted in a while. It's been pretty busy around these parts.
We've been working with the "crew" on the huge rock placements for the entry way.
What an undertaking! I don't think I realized just how heavy those big 'ol sandstone slabs would be. Sure, there's over 6000 pounds of rock total, but I thought each individual rock would be manageable....WRONG! This sandstone is more dense than concrete, eats diamond saw blades for lunch, and given the chance will squish a finger or two.
We've been continuing on Phillip's home office - installing baseboards, hanging the closet door, attaching door trim. I'll post pictures once it's done.
Still have to paint the closet door, closet door jamb, entry door & its door jamb. Then, finally, he can begin moving in and decorating.
This will be HIS sanctuary. HIS place to write. HIS little escape from the rest of the world. NO phones. NO customers. Nothing but what HE wants to do. A little music. A little T.V. and a WHOLE lotta rest and relaxation. Trust me, he needs a break from the daily grind.
True. He does have an awesome job. He gets to be creative everyday, but sometimes a detox from it all will be nice. A retreat where he doesn't have to try and create the impossible from thin air. I think, in over 20 years of working in the entertainment industry, the only thing he wasn't able to deliver was the floating-ring hat. YES, believe it or not, years ago, when we were up in Seattle, a magician actually made a request for a hat with rings that would float - without any attachment ie: wires or strings....He's good, but come on. Defy gravity!???
Any who, we have been busy, but things are getting done around these parts. I should be able to "reveal" the new walkways by the end of the week. I can't wait to share. Heck, for that matter, I can't wait to see them too!!! AND all before Christmas....
****map and photo credit: The old National Automobile Club travel guide from 1969. My, Grants Pass has grown since I was ONE!!!!
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