Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rolling along....

I know I've been MIA from blogging for a long while.

Life these last few months has been a little crazy, to say the least.

Last year we purchased an old building
for our business - with another business. 

Now we are one big happy family under one roof.

Professional roommates, if you will.

Our oldest son moved out.

Our middle son joined the Army.

Our youngest son, officially, just started his first job.

Busy, busy, busy.

I've made some new, creative friends.

Cavorted with old, creative friends.

Created some new pieces that will be published soon. More on that later. 

Have lots of others in the works, but don't we all?

I'm still daydreaming.

I'm still treasure hunting...and dragging home way too much...but who's keeping track?
(maybe the bloated garage, greenhouse, spare rooms??)
Yeah, Yeah. It's a thing with me...
but no matter what....

I'm happy to still be rolling right along....

** this little metal skate was found ALL ALONE, missing its mate. 

How could I possibly NOT give it a home? Huh?


Marilyn said...

Would you believe I actually skated on some skates like that when I was young?!! Living out in the country, though, there wasn't much of a sidewalk, so it wasn't much fun. ♥♫

Hopemore Studio said...

I remember those! I learned to skate on a pair of those but once I got old enough to go to the rink on Friday nights I insisted on the pretty white vinyl ones..what was I thinking lol.

Glad your keeping busy. I'm very excited to see you in print!


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