'cause I'm kinda loving it at the moment....
This is how my new office wall - the wall behind where my desk will be - was about a week or so ago.
Last weekend, many more elements and details were added.
Something tells me I'll be adding to this new space for a long time...
Currently, my space has one entry door off the main hallway and no window - inside or out. That is a little bit of a change from my other offices.
So, that will have to be remedied soon. I love being in my own little nightmare, but I don't like to be in a dungeon...
A window facing out to our lobby will go here...
...under this really cool saw blade, within the blue tape lines.
The saw will be stenciled with something creative...
Tina's office?
Accounts Payable?
Bone Daddy?
Halloween Land?
Christmas Town?
What's This? What's This?
Still thinking on this.. I'll keep you posted...
I've added a large pumpkin above the little pumpkin. Still need to scenically treat the bright white plug plate. Kind of looks outta place, don't you agree? LOL
The stone pillars to the cemetary entrance were embellished with this wonderful scroll work arbor. And the light from the moon was cast over the entire landscape.
Love it!
Jack's house was completed.
and now Mr. Skellington will forever be keeping his eye on things around here...Thanks, Jack!
Zero's abode is now a ghostly-white. He is very happy, I'm sure.
Above his little plot, we've hung up some garland, complete with some skulls - each with their own personality.
I say we've, because I had a bit of help from this guy.
He's really NOT mean. That's just the way he looks. Not every wreath is born of a pink feather boa or sweet sheet music. And those teeth? They are clean as a whistle! No yellow or green gunk there!
He's singing "Deck the Halls!" Ever looked in the mirror when you're singing at the top of your lungs?
With three arms, he's really quite helpful in the decorating department.
Here's a bit of perspective.
Those little blue tape pieces are marking the area for Jack's chalkboard. You know? The one where he's plotting on how to replace Santa this year. He's SO "tired of the same old thing" being the Pumpkin King of Halloween Land.
Part art. Part real chalkboard. That's on the to-do list. Mr. Wreath's third arm will hold my piece of chalk.
Above the chalkboard will be a shelf. These little baskets and buckets will be the backdrop for my collection of NBC figures.
Bones in honor of Halloween Land. Snowman face in honor of Christmas Town.
The snowman was actually a happy accident. The knob on the side of the bucket looked like a snowman to me, so when I wasn't looking, Alan added the orange carrot nose. Love it!!!
As the 8 balls were stacking up in this wooden basket, I barely mentioned how I like the number 13. No sooner were the words out of my mouth and poof! I had a #13 pool ball in there!
*** off topic moment....when we moved to Grants Pass, I went to the post office to get two PO Boxes. One for personal use and one for E.B.
The guy behind the counter told me they only had TWO boxes left to rent. He had two 3x5 note cards in his hand. #173 was bright white and new.
However, #13 was yellowed and dingy.
"Guess, this one has been vacant for a while..", he said.
So #13 has been our mailing address since 2004.
Introducing my new chandelier. Kinda. VERY. COOOOL!!!
I have a vintage, high back parlor chair that I plan to re-cover in purple velvet for the corner, under this guy. Now, in hindsight, I'd love to create him in 3-D, with real flicker light bulbs....maybe....sooner than I think.....it's only paint, right?
Another shot, since my last post, of Lock, Shock and Barrel. They are little creeps and deserve to be behind the door, in the corner....
I told them, they'd had enough sugar!!! but in true character, someone snuck an orange and black lolly!!!
So, there you have it.
So far. So good.
A few more details to go. Getting Jack and the skeleton reindeer flying up in the big 'ol yellow moon with Zero leading the way, of course. Hanging some dimensional art pieces. The chalk board. The shelf. Flooring. Crown molding.
Moving in...uugggh!!!
But, I'm Happy. Happy. Happy!
Many thanks go out to...
Phillip, for supporting my creepy side and knowing I'm NOT REALLY CREEPY, I just LOVE NBC.
Alan, for your talent of creating my NBC world, putting up with my art direction (even as things were changing), and for allowing me to wield a paint brush beside you.
To my family, friends and employees, for all the support, compliments and "sniggers" about my decision to create my DREAM office...
Yes, This Is Exactly What I Had In Mind
15 hours ago